Did you know that people who don't hear the silence within talk the most? It's almost as if that silence filters between response & stimuli.
I just met a new friend at random. And he's a reporter and is supposed to be educated.."out-there" at least. And the guy has no silence within.
He has no understanding of the way the world silently and decisively works. He keeps responding, responding, responding.
And I look at the Timekeeper, and see his deep silence..and I wonder, is that what understanding does to people? It shuts them up?
Because if the Silence is where God's voice can be heard, then hearing His voice trumps all doubt and restlessness and anger?
...Dude...awesome shit, huh?
<B>PS.</b> This was another mobile-blogging testpost. Sent by email.
<B>PPS.</b> Was my one-way conversation with him.
Angsar (Jawa): Daya kesaktian sebuah benda. Bisa baik, bisa buruk. Tergantung yang memegang.
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