
Excerpt: On the Prophet's Birthday: Old Guards, New Guards and Rear

"The Prophet was personally troubled about the messages he received that commanded him to convert the entire world to the new faith.

When the early Muslims first fled from Mecca to Medina, Muhammad was welcomed as a peacemaker among warring tribes and faiths.

His approach was conciliatory, and all sides recognized him as a fair arbiter. Islam sees itself as a faith that is far more inclusive than exclusive.

Therefore, when Muhammad was forced to lead battles in defense of the faith, and afterwards when he turned on former Christian and Jewish allies, a dangerous rift became part of the Muslim worldview, at once aiming for universal peace and brotherhood but using violent means to get there. This will always occur as long as human nature is divided. "What we say" and "what we do" have been perpetually at odds."

- Deepak Chopra, (read the rest of article here)

(Italics and line breaks are mine)

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